What To Do if Youve Been Burgled

27th December 2021

What To Do if Youve Been Burgled Regardless of whether its your home or your business, being burgled is a distressing situation to find yourself in. For this reason, it can also be difficult to know what you should do when it happens, with panic and adrenaline often setting in. Thefts and robberies may have dropped during the recent pandemic, but are set to rise to previous levels – and possibly higher – given that some criminals may be looking to make up for the lost time.? However, at Caught on Camera, we want to let you know well always be…

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Keeping Your Home Protected While on Holiday

27th October 2021

Keeping Your Home Protected While on Holiday The last thing you want when going away on holiday is to spend the trip worrying about what might happen to your home. While its true your home is more vulnerable when left vacant, there are plenty of simple ways you can improve security and deter potential intruders. Follow our tips for a stress-free holiday. ? Dont let them know youre away ? The most important tip for securing your home when going away is to disguise the fact you arent there. Criminals are far more likely to target a house if they know…

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Security Tips for Living Alone

27th August 2021

Security Tips for Living Alone Living on your own is liberating, but it also comes at a cost. While there is no one around to argue about whose turn it is to take out the bins, theres also no one around to protect you. If you live by yourself, its important you take extra precautions to keep yourself safe. Following just a few basic safety tips can dramatically reduce your chances of being burgled. If youre currently living on your own, this article is for you. Take a look at some of our most important tips for staying safe in your…

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